Reverse Seared Grilled Steaks


  • 2 thick-cut steaks (Ribeye, New York) 
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper (to be added after cooking)
  • Charcoal
  • 2 chunks of dry wood



1. Prepare the Steaks

  • Season steaks generously with salt.
  • Insert the Combustion  Predictive Thermometer across the width of the steak (across the grain) - in the same direction the meat will be sliced; inserting like this avoids having a hole running through each slice!
  • Using the Combustion App or Display, set your Predictive Thermometer’s target to 10°F below your preferred doneness (e.g 115ºF).

2. Set Up the Grill

  • Light charcoal and let it burn until glowing red.
  • Push coals to one side for indirect cooking.
  • Add dry wood and let it fully char before placing the steaks on the grill.
  • Adjust vents to maintain 250°F (120°C).

3. Slow Cook the Steaks

  • Place steaks on the indirect side of the grill.
  • Cook until the internal temperature reaches your target on the Combustion app.

4. Sear Over High Heat

  • Move steaks to a hot charcoal bed and sear for 15 seconds per side, flipping frequently.

5. Season & Serve

  • Sprinkle with freshly ground pepper.
  • Slice and serve hot.


Predictive Thermometer with Wifi Booster - Cooking Thermometers - - from Combustion Inc

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